From the beginning
Twelve Years Ago
My oldest son was playing T-ball on the ballfields in Hanahan, and as I stood behind him on shortstop, I looked around at the faces of my friends, my neighbors, people I went to school with, people I considered family. I saw their brokenness and the addiction. I saw lives being lived without true purpose. I saw people living with no hope.
I knew God was calling us to start a new work, a new gathering of believers, a new church. But not just a new church (our city already has one on every block!), but a group of Christ followers who would take their calling seriously. A group of believers who would take the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which they claim for themselves, for forgiveness, healing, meaning and hope, and then deploy on mission with the hope of the gospel of Jesus.
THE GOSPEl of Jesus...
heals the broken...
breaks addiction...
offers purpose...
gives hope...
and gives new life.
We have seen lives changed! Over 400 people have professed a saving faith in Jesus throughout the life of our church! That’s 400 people whose eternity has been changed forever. That is 400 more people in the Kingdom of God. We have seen several hundred baptisms, of both children and adults. We have been privileged to love our neighbors in tangible ways. Through our various ministries we have given away thousands of Christmas gifts, thousand of meals to children, and thousands of dollars to help those in need and to missionaries and church planters.
God has been so faithful and so amazing. I am thankful that we can even measure some of what He’s already done. But there are over 8,000 people a mile from Miami St. Over 37,000 people within three miles of Miami St., and I’m trusting and praying that God will continue to Advance His kingdom through Restoration Community Church.
As I believe God will continue to Advance his Kingdom, I believe God is specifically calling us to sacrifice and give generously so that we are in a position financially to be even more generous to the Kingdom.
So many of us were sacrificially generous through The Immeasurable Project several years ago which allowed us to have our first permanent facility. We currently owe 1.6 million dollars on our building. With over 300 new families at Restoration since the Immeasurable Project, I believe God has given us everything we need to pay off our building in 3 years.
What this means
I am asking everyone who calls Restoration Community Church home to pray about what God might be calling you to give above and beyond your normal giving for the next three years. Paying off our current mortgage positions Restoration to...
A D V A N C E...
By funding more church plants...
By funding more missionaries...
By offering our area an alternative education option
through private schooling...
By meeting the tangible needs of immigrant neighbors...
By meeting the physical needs of our local neighbors.
I believe God is positioning Restoration Community Church to Advance...
Will you join me in sacrificially giving through the Advance Initiative for the next 36 months?
Will you join me in sacrificially giving through the Advance Initiative for the next 36 months?
- Adam Spurlock, Lead Pastor